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Crocus Class

A rather serious blog post today, because the situation in the world at the moment cannot be ignored quite honestly. The Corona virus is now affecting many people in the UK and sadly there have been some fatalities. However, I firmly believe that until we are told differently, we need to carry on with our lives being as sensible as we can and taking all the necessary precautions to stop the disease spreading.

With that in mind, I will be carrying on with business as usual including my card classes, but of course I will understand if my attendees choose to not come to classes at this present time. This could all change in the near future if the government decide to lock down any way. I will still endeavour to do my weekly FaceBook Lives and possibly do even more in a bid to keep in touch with you all. It may also push me into organising some online classes or watch this space.

Anyway, let's continue to keep doing what we love and that is to create cards, projects etc. This will be the time more than ever when a personal hand made card sent to someone could make such a difference to them, just to know that they are being thought of and cared for. Do you know of an elderly person who lives alone? Do you know someone who has a lowered immune system and could be really concerned about the present situation? Sending them a card at the moment with a few words of encouragement and understanding could really make their day, and possibly allay their fears a little bit. There will never be a more important time than now to show people how much we care. It's a very uncertain time for us all and we need to show solidarity as a community.

Moving on, I'm here to show you the cards that we created in classes this week. They were more simple and straight forward than the previous session but still pretty none the less. In two weeks time we will see the clocks going forward and Spring will be here! Yay!
With that in mind, we made some lovely crocus cards. Spring is one of my favourite seasons because of all the colour emerging plus the weather is improving and the lighter nights are definitely welcomed. One of the cards had a Victorian feel to it as I used one of the Heirloom frames and embossing folders from Stampin' Up! This was then sponged with Frosted White paint to make it shimmer and shine. The crocuses themselves were stamped and water coloured on shimmery white card stock also from Stampin' Up! It was finished off with a ribbon that was coloured with Highland Heather ink. 

The next two cards were similar as they were just both stamped in Tuxedo Black ink from Stampin' Up! and then coloured with Stampin' Up! Blends, which are our alcohol pens. They were not difficult cards at all, but they all had their fair share of die cutting. I think my ladies enjoyed making them. I know that I did, and I have made several more in the same designs to send out in the post, something that I am doing more so of at the moment.
 I'm just praying that our wonderful postage system doesn't grind to a halt, otherwise I will just have to send the cards virtually to people wherever I can.

I'm going to say goodbye for now. Wishing you all well in the present circumstances and hope that you find something to occupy yourselves with, should you need it. Just remember that stamping and colouring is a wonderful way to take your mind off worries and anxieties, and the end result is a beautiful card to send to someone, win, win.

                                      Happy Crafting
                                       Love Sarah. xx
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