Hostess Code

Hostess Code

Memories of Dortmund.

Would you believe that I've been back home from Dortmund and all of the excitement from OnStage for nearly a week now. I'm still on cloud nine from it all though, and I will never forget the experience. It was so awesome and inspiring! Our direct team all came together for the first time, well four of us did anyway. We shared an Airbnb together and had a great time! It was lovely to spend some time getting to know each other better. We also met up with our wider team too, which yet again was lovely to make some great friendships which I will treasure. Stampin' Up! is more than just making cards! Although we love to do that all together, we also build firm friendships that will last a lifetime I'm sure.
Alison, Beckie and Katie.

Same as above with me included.

The wider team, such a fantastic group of ladies.

I came away with far too many pics to share on my blog, but I will share a few to try and capture the spirit of the event. I was also very fortunate to meet up with some 'celebrities' in the Stampin' Up! world. I met Shelli Gardner, the former CEO and founder of the company and I got very close to her daughter, Sara Douglas who is the present CEO, but she was in great demand to have her picture taken with everyone.

Having fun at a Christmas Market in Essen.
Sara Douglas chatting....
Shellli with me.

Sam Hammond Donald and me.....
I also had the privilege to have a chat with the #1 demonstrator in the UK, Sam Hammond Donald. Sam actually doesn't live that far from me, just in the next county. I had met her several times before but had never held a conversation with her. She was lovely, but it was a little surreal quite honestly. 

I think that's it from me today. I hope to do a few extra blogs over the next week or so, just so that I can share with you all what's on the horizon. If you've loved what you have seen and you think that you too would like to come and join in the fun, then why not join my team? You can click on the link on the right hand side of this blog post, or just contact me for further information. 

Crafty Hugs to you all, 
Best Wishes, Sarah. xx

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