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Apothecary Art

I'm on a roll today! I've now actually grasped how to post on my blog, without the help of a technical minion ( although, she did have to help me initially! Thanks's actually helpful that you're off ill from school today. ) So, I thought whilst I was in the swing of things, I would carry on blogging, in the hope that I will remember how to do it next time. : )

Anyway, Mother's Day seems ages ago now, but I wanted to share with you all the card that I made for my mum.She loved it! It's from the lovely, vintage set called Apothecary Art from Stampin Up.


  1. How cute is that?!
    I nominated you for a Leibster Award! See my blog for details ;)

  2. Thank you Denise for the nomination. I am very grateful. ☺x
